公司:美国求购面料.Buy Fabric Covers For Credit Cards 国家:follows 联系人:follows
地址: Detailed Buying Lead Description:I need fabric covers made of t-shirt type material to fit snuggly over a credit card. Primarily interested in white but other colors such as black and denim are ok. They should have a nice seam on the edge. I will be needing other sizes such as for a CD box, DVD box, round CD, etc. I initially need to buy at least 100 of each of these four sizes for prototyping my product. That’s a total of 400 pieces. Once I finalize my design I will be needing by the thousands. Contact Infomation Company: Praps Person: Mr. Fidel Guajardo Address: 1538 Sunbend Falls, San Antonio, Texas, United States Telephone: 1-210-8498692 电话:above 传真:
aboveQQ号: 1407106692
微信号: 1407106692
微信公号: 锦日外贸名录集 (关注后,天天免费推最新买家资料)
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