公司:牙买加采购玻璃酒瓶Procurement of Glass 国家:follows 联系人:follows
地址: Roxy Industries Ltd (www., a beverage and wine manufacturer , would like to procure glass bottes for its various products as follows: -- 5 Ounce wine bottles -- 6 Ounce wine bottles -- 10 Ounce juice bottles -- 16 Ounce juice bottles Contact: Olatunde Oladele, Technical V.P. Tel 1-876-9178002; E-mail 电话:above 传真:
aboveQQ号: 1407106692
微信号: 1407106692
微信公号: 锦日外贸名录集 (关注后,天天免费推最新买家资料)
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