公司:美国求购自动售货机 buying Vending Machines 国家:follows 联系人:follows
地址: We have a webstore selling vending machines and concession machines of all types and supplies and bulk candy. We are trying to expand. We need vending machine and concession machine manufacturers that will dropship when an order comes in and provide info and pictures about the products for the webstore and shipping, warrantee, and return information, perferably from the US for the heavier items. We also need supplies for the machines and bulk candy and anything else that goes in the machines.Please contact us if you can supply us. Company:M & M Internet MarketingContact Person: Ms. Mary Rosenthal Job Title: Partner Department: Owner/Entrepreneur Address: P. O. Box 381, Ash Fork, Arizona, United States Zip/Postal Code: 86320 Telephone: 928-928-637-9853 Fax: -928-637-9853 电话:above 传真:
aboveQQ号: 1407106692
微信号: 1407106692
微信公号: 锦日外贸名录集 (关注后,天天免费推最新买家资料)
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