公司:乌克兰求购冷冻牛肉 buying Frozen Beef Need 国家:follows 联系人:follows
地址: OPOS-torg" LLC is interested in buying those frozen beef:1. Frozen beef in half carcase on bone, from 20 tons;2. Frozen beef in quarters on bone, from 20 tons;3. Beef Trimmings 90/10, 80/20, 70/30, 60/40, 50/50, from 20 tons each. Total quantity needed 140-300 tons per months.Origin: EU - better variant. South America - give prices on Odessa!Please answer asap and give the best prices you can.Sincerely, Paul Verzhbitskiy.+380 50 378 45 56 Company:Opos-Torg Ltd.Contact Person: Mr. Paul Verzhbitskiy Job Title: Deputy Director Address: Vavilova 5, 133, Lytsk, Ukraine Telephone: 380-332-721486 Fax: 380-332-724476 Mobile Phone: 380 50 378 4556 电话:above 传真:
aboveQQ号: 1407106692
微信号: 1407106692
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